Curriculum, Assessment and Professional Development: Encouraging Innovation with the Primary Exit Profile

New Standards Curriculum

The National Standards Curriculum (NSC) is a world-class curriculum rooted in the Jamaican context and is designed to meet the needs of the Jamaican leaner. It allows for the interrogation of national requirements and international expectations and place them in local settings. More importantly, the curriculum focuses on developing the child intellectually, aesthetically, physically and emotionally. With this model, learners are placed at the heart of the curriculum and it encourages independent thinking and pulls on interest and talent. The various disciplines, Science, Technology, Engineering Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) are interconnected and relevant to real-life situations.  More importantly, the curriculum provides a clear and relevant pathway for learning and is flexible in responding to the developmental needs of each child.

Primary Exit Profile

International standards and best practices speak to the alignment of curricula with instruction and assessment. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MOEYI) on February 26, 2019 replaced the Grade Six Assessment Test (GSAT) with the introduction of the Primary Exit Primary Exit Profile (PEP). The Primary Exit profile provides a profile of student’s strengths and weaknesses, and their readiness for Grade 7. It assesses students’ knowledge, in addition to placing increased emphasis on assessing 21st century skills including critical thinking and communication.   The MOEYI in a quest to sensitise the public was involved in a sustained sensitisation of the NSC and its attendant assessment, the PEP.  Stakeholders were engaged through various workshops, PEP Camps, dissemination of materials, radio and television interviews, among other things.

PEP Stimulation Centres

Notwithstanding the work of the Ministry and dissenting voices on its various approaches, school leaders have played their role in ensuring the full implementation of the National Standards Curriculum.  Mark Jackson, Principal of Ascot Primary in Portmore St. Catherine has articulated that leadership matters and has brought into focus the behaviour and priorities of effective principals in ensuring that students, parents, teachers speak with one voice as we are prepared and developed in this new approach.  

An effective principal understands that whilst improving test scores are important the quality of instruction is equally important for improving student achievement. Mark Jackson indicated that there has to be a strong nexus between curriculum and assessment. His statement accords with Stiggins 1994; Valencia, 1990; Wiggins, 1989 whose research indicate that authentic assessment is aligned with the curriculum. It assesses what we teach and what we value.  Principal, Mark Jackson ensures that assessment is integrated into daily instruction and classroom activities. In fully embracing the NSC Mr. Jackson has moved to making the alignment of instruction and assessment a culture of the teaching and learning environment of his school. In order to build on this culture he has conceptualised the implementation of Stimulation Centers for the NSC and the PEP. These centres display how assessment involves real learning and exploration.  Each center is given a title (PEP-on’, ‘PEPfinity’,’ Hot-PEPpers’, ‘PEPperiffic’ and ‘PEPperville) to excite the imagination, develop the creativity and encourage curiosity in the children.  Each centre is designed to reflect a real world setting such as the beach, the park, rafting, treasure hunt and a play station. The centres are geared at stimulating students’ interest in academics, foster reading and comprehension based on the material provided and promote information, communication and technology. They ensure the application of the 4C’s (Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity). The centres form part of the learning environment that supports the learning activities appropriate to achieve the desired learning outcomes in the National Standards Curriculum.

Professional Development

The National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) has been integral in enabling Mr. Jackson to implement the Stimulation Centres across the grade levels. Having attended a recent training offered by the College and accessing the module on Effective Classroom Observation he has sought to implement his action plan to put greater focus on instructional leadership. Mr. Jackson indicated, “the Stimulation Centers are but one of the strategies aligned to the Effective Classroom Observation Module that I have indicated in my action plan required by the NCEL. I must laud the College as it has allowed me to stretch my intellect in broadening the scope of this initiative.” Jackson added that the students are able to go into the corners at leisure to access materials and work collaboratively in resolving real life issues.  He further stated that it has been serving its purpose and the teachers are pleased.  He emphasised that exposure to the training and the attendant post training requirements allows each Principal to develop a workable action plan aimed and developing strategies within their schools to raise student performance.  Jackson has seen incremental growth in his teachers and the enthusiasm and interest of the students where the NSC and PEP are concerned. As a leader, he desires to continue his growth and to learn as much as he can so that he can be even more credible for his students, teachers, parents and the school community.  He stated that, “knowledge is infinite and change is inevitable. As an educator, you must stay current. NCEL raises your abstraction level, it stretches you to build your teachers and for them to become better.” He is happy that he has gained new skills and insights to make the NSC and PEP his everyday language in the school environment.

On February 26, March 26-27 and April 16-17, 2019 scores of students in the island’s public and private institutions sat for the first time the Ability Test, Performance Task and the Curriculum Based Test respectively. More than 40 thousand students were accommodated in 1104 centers islandwide, under the supervision of a competent cadre of invigilators.

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